The Saturn Parasol Heater is a lightweight, cost-effective garden parasol heater that can be safely attached to the under support on a parasol umbrella. Ideal for those who want a practical solution to outdoor parasol heating without having to resort to splurging out on more expensive options.

Its IP setting of 20 means that this heater can protect against solid particles up to 80mm in length and 12mm in diameter. Its grid covering will further guard against insertion by large solid object and offers protection when handling.
The Saturn parasol boasts 4 x 450 watt heaters, giving us a range of up to 5 metres. Lightweight, mobile, and appealing on the cost-effectiveness scale, the Saturn epitomises adequate heating for small-scale outdoor gatherings.
Whilst being electric powered means some form of adequate sheltering from direct rainfall is necessary, the die-cast aluminium body does offer adequate protection for the sheltered outdoor and parasol use it is designed for.
In terms of visual look, the Saturn Parasol Heater is a garden parasol heater that boasts a sleek design, one that will ensure its blends in naturally to its surrounds.
We always advise to consult a registered qualified electrician regarding installation.